Wednesday, May 28, 2008

End of the Year

Finals begin today; this is the home stretch. This year has gone by fast and the kids were great. My reading list for the summer is going to be long. Here are some initial titles:

Surprised By Hope by N.T. Wright

The Powers That Be by Walter Wink

Christianity in a Pluralistic Society by Leslie Newbigin

A Christianity Worth Believing by Doug Pagitt

Religion and Science by Jurgen Moltemann (did I spell that right?)

The Birth of Christianity by John Dominic Crossan

God and Empire by John Dominic Crossan

Any suggestions? I could use some....

1 comment:

Cody Bertram said...

Do we see a common thread in this list? What about a little diversity? There's no need to be a hater towards non-religous books! =0)