The idea of pledging allegiance to the American flag in church has bothered me for a long time. This fourth of July our Church had a 4th of July service (America worship); as I'm sure many other churches did also. During "Its a Grand Ol' Flag" a lady stood up and began waving her hands with closed eyes and face lifted upwards. Something is seriously wrong. Dont get me wrong, I love my country-I have a degree in its 19th century poetry- but I will not pledge my allegiance to a political party or a country in hopes that God might look more favorably on me because of that. I worship a king, in a kingdom, not a president in a free-market capitalist democracy.
While we worship a King, there is nothing wrong with being patriotic and supporting the free market society that has made you who you are today. This blog is a perfect example - free speech. If you had grown up in China, you probably wouldn't even be allowed to think the things that you are blogging about, much less verbalize them at the risk of losing your life. No, I don't agree with everything that America represents, but, like it or not, I am who I am in large part because of growing up in the USA. God bless America!
I am greatful to be living in this country. It has provided many opportunties that I would of never had in other places. I'm always aware of the fact that my world view, opinions and convictions are seen through the grid of an American. Yet, I do not want to interpret or live my faith out according to the American story; I want to strive to live it according to the Biblical narrative. I guess my whole point is that my alligiance first and foremost is not to a flag, its to a king. God bless the World!!
Amen Cody, we had the same thing at our church. We pledged allegiance to the Christian flag as well as the bible.
God already has blessed the world and America. The people of the Kingdom have it all wrong...
much love!
I didn't say that I didn't agree with the Christian flag allegiance, I am in allegiance to Jesus and his kingdom.
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