Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Common Wealth: Chapter 2; part 1

Chapter two is long and sets up Jeff's arguments.

Jeff begins the chapter by listing six earth changing trends that will shape the world and it inhabitants for centuries to come. They are as follows:

1. Sustained economic growth has reached 'most' or the world. Most countries and individuals in them are making more money.

2. The worlds population will continue to rise. We are at 6.6 billion currently, projected 9 billion by 2050.

3. The rise in income will be greatest in Asia. Half the worlds population resides there.

4. The world is moving from rural to urban.

5. Humans are contributing to various environmental crisis. (not global warming necessarily; i.e. deforestation, desertification, plant extinction etc...)

6. The gap between rich and poor is widening.

Jeff spends the remainder of the chapter going into more detail about sustainable economic policies and technologies. The quote below stood out to me:

The challenge for this century will not be in the limited availability of fossil fuels, but in their safe ecological use and in the timely investments needed to ensure that the right kinds of fuels are available at the right times and places....(44)

Without explicitly saying it, Jeff is talking about good stewardship of the resources that we have. I dont understand those who are vehemently against global warming issues that demand perfection from environmentalists. I have a family member that critiques Al Gore by saying "you talk about global warming and pollution yet you drive an SUV". No one is saying give up every modern amenity but take small steps at saving energy where you can...anyway...chapter 3 is next....

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