Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Blue Parakeet: Chapter 1

Scot McKnight's forthcoming book The Blue Parakeet begins with several critical questions for how we are to approach the Bible today. He begins with the birth of his love for reading and how it led him through a maze of questions and discoveries. His style is gracious and probing; the first chapter has set a tone of loving concern for the faith today. The question that McKnight proposes-the questions that informs the remainder of the book- is How, then, are we to live out the Bible today? (11). Scot explains that the most common question of: How can we apply the Bible to our lives? is too technical and doesn't address the gravity of the current situation surrounding the Bible today.

Scot goes on to talk about how many Christians today pick and choose-or adopt and adapt- what they want to read and believe about the Bible. He takes the reader through several pressing issues the Bible speaks of and shows how many of us do not follow the commands given. The chapter ends with an explanation of why it is important to address how the bible is to be lived out today.


1. Admitting that I pick and choose when reading the Bible is difficult. I haven't really thought much about it. This book will challenge many of my long help opinions and assumptions about the message of Jesus and how I approach the Bible.

2. I had no idea what I was getting into when I asked God's spirit to fill me. (10) This statement shook me. There have been times I have asked God for direction and I am terrified of the answer. It takes great faith to jump into the God-life experience.

Chapter 2 tomorrow....

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